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Church Advancement

Approximately, 80% of Haitians follow the Roman Catholic faith and 20% follow Protestant denominations. Vodou is practiced by half of all Haitians, even if they follow another faith. 


Mission Direct Haiti partners with local pastors and churches to further God's kingdom. MDH desires to see more changed lives by spreading the Gospel. The churches are facing situations of unsafe water, intermittent electricity, and a lack of supplies.


In Turbe, we are working with Pastor Jean Cid and the church to minister to the village.

In Traveau, Pastor De Na hosts church service every Wednesday afternoon.  Our goal is to build a church and search for additional leaders God will call to minister to the village. Currently, MDH also has a young men's bible study group for ages 10-18. The group meets on a weekly basis and is led by Edison.  




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